Saturday, May 22, 2010

Greeting fellow Sugis!

This is our blog; The first ever in our ancestral history. It was created at 2.50am on the 22nd of May 2010, for us to share our thoughts and ideas with each other. So that we remain on the same wavelength and on a wavelength... that does not stop. So go ahead, don't be a goblok, and goblog! (:

This is an exciting video I watched today:

Richard Dawkins represents one of the voices in today's atheist circle. I respect him for his beliefs and how he fights for them. To have students taught the creation of God in Science classes defeats the purpose of teaching science, as the religious doctrine and the scientific one are based completely on a different ground. The religious believe based on faith and the rationalists on scientific evidence. While the rationalists would try to reason, the religious may not even enter the same dimension of argument because they simply believe, without the need for reason or (substantial) evidence. Hence teaching religion in Science classes is counter-productive, rationally speaking.

Yesterday, I came across this image of creature washed up on a beach in Canada. It's monstrosity struck me.

Then I realize that the manner in which I was reacting to it was similar to the way many people may be too. The reports call it a "beast". And I think: just because I see something new that I'd never seen before, it seems unusual and hence monstrous. I reckon if I am seeing a komodo dragon for the first time, it may seem pretty monstrous as well. It brought to mind how we humans tend to be creatures of habit. We get comfortable with routine, and what is routine become our idea of 'normal'; and oftentimes, something new and different scares us out of our comfort bubble. Could this be the basis behind racism, homophobia and other forms of ethnocentrism?

sugi 5


  1. Hi Sugi 5!

    I think the blog is a great idea. Thank you for putting it together. I look forward to interesting discussions.

    I am a firm believer in the institution of science, so much so that I apply science as a way of life and not just to explain physical events. The criteria I have for believing anything is very similar to the criteria I have for believing a proposed scientific theory. The criteria is simple: a cumulative buildup of circumstantial evidence that rules out all other theories. If a few theories are consistent with the current body of evidence, one chooses the simplest, most elegant theory. By these criteria, the existence of God is a failed proposition, so I am happy to call myself an atheist.

    I think differences in appearances are important in racism but not necessary. The caste system in India promotes inequality without obvious differences in appearance. More important are the differences in belief systems and sometimes economic envy.

    sugi @

  2. I dont wANT to be called goblok and yet i dont know how to goblog but i will try anyway. You tend not to believe in anything thats not concrete and proven when you have sense of security and protection. when you are insecure , vulnerable,and need some sort of protection you want ,need to believe in something greater to provide you with those needs.



